Alyssa Broussard | Jun 05, 2024

How to Become Zero Waste: Our Favorite Tips

Did you know the U.S. creates over 200 millions tons of waste every year? It’s no wonder there is a minimalist/zero-waste movement. Becoming zero waste sounds like a lot – and honestly, it is. But it is a marathon, not a sprint.

In this guide, we'll equip you with the tools, tips, and tricks to embark on a journey towards zero waste while keeping it cool and sustainable. Let's dive in!

1. Mindful Consumption

The first step to becoming zero waste is to learn to consume mindfully. You can do this in two ways: pay attention to what you purchase and choose brands with sustainability initiatives.

When you’re out shopping and go to make that “just because” purchase, channel your inner minimalist and ask yourself, "Do I really need this?". This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t treat yourself every now and then, just pay close attention to the habits you have and the ones you can change.

Next, opt for products with minimal packaging or (even better) package-free alternatives. Did you know that all BrüMate’s mission is to move towards 100% recyclable/compostable packaging?

2. Kick Single-Use Plastics

Reusable water bottle replaces roughly 156 water bottles per person per year. Lucky for us, not all water bottles are the same. Put your intentional shopping to the test and invest in a durable, reusable option.

There are reusable options for quite literally everything! Ditch coffee cups filled with microplastics and replace them with a travel mug. When you’re heading out for a day in nature, fill up a hydration pack and pack a cooler backpack for snacks and cans. For every day hydration, choose a stainless steel straw tumbler over plastic anything.

3. Master the Art of Reusing and Recycling

Many products come in containers that can easily be reused. Don’t be afraid to be creative! Cleaned up containers can be perfect receptacles for regifting/packaging gifts, crafting, or even storage! Before throwing something away or recycling, get creative and see if there is a use for it in your home.

If unable to reuse, consider recycling. Familiarize yourself with your local recycling guidelines and become a sorting pro. Remember, not all materials are created equal, so make sure to recycle right!

4. Party Sustainably

Parties are one of the top creators of waste. Paper plates, plastic utensils, and plastic cups are some of the most popular culprits. Hosting a zero waste party may cut down on your waste footprint but it doesn’t have to cut the fun. Our number one tip? Use what you have before buying anything new!

5. Intentionally Grocery Shop and Meal Plan

One of the top household wastes is food. How many times have you been to the grocery store and come home to discover you had two of what you went out for? Or discovered a bag of green beans pushed to the back of the fridge by leftovers?

There are simple steps you can take to simplify and create zero waste at meal times. Taking an inventory of your fridge, freezer, and pantry before every shopping trip helps prevent buying duplicates, creating meals using ingredients you already have assures nothing goes unused, and planning meals ahead whenever possible decreases the need for take out.

6. Embrace DIY

There are countless DIY videos and tutorials available. From homemade cleaning products to gifts, there are so many ways to use things you have to create something new. Not only will you reduce waste, you'll also save money and have fun along the way!

7. Intentional Gift Giving

How often do you buy something for a loved one without knowing if they will use it or even need it? Gift giving can be highly wasteful. Some of the best sustainable gift ideas offer long use items or experiences!

8. Use Reusable Grocery Bags

One of the easiest switches to make when you’re trying to become zero waste is to buy (and remember to use) reusable grocery bags. These bags will eliminate the need for the infamous “bag of bags” and will cut down on overall plastic bag consumption. Plus, they’re more durable and come in cute patterns and colors. It’s a win-win.

9. Go Paperless

How many pieces of paper do you throw away every week? There are so many ways to go paperless and decrease your overall paper consumption. Opt for digital products like evites instead of physical cards. Keep notes on your phone. Opt out of physical billing statements. Simple steps like these can help you become zero waste without requiring constant upkeep.

10. Create Sustainable Goals

Sustainable goals – get it? Becoming zero waste does not and will not happen overnight. It is a learning process that will take a lot of trial and error. It will constantly evolve as you learn and as your seasons of life change. Start with one area of your life at a time and work at sustaining each step before you try to incorporate the next.

Become Zero Waste with BrüMate

At BrüMate, we've made the future our business. Innovating for tomorrow is the driving force behind every decision we make, and we're taking steps to ensure those decisions are focused on a better and more eco-friendly future with all of our tomorrows in mind.

Our reusable drinkware, stainless steel straws, recycled lids, and switch to eco-friendly packaging are just some of our commitments to helping you along your journey. Explore our best sellers to find your new zero-waste faves.